Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sense of Likeness

Sense of Likeness
          There are 7 continents, 7.1 billion population, more than 190 countries with no less than 240 nationalities and over 6,000 spoken LANGUAGES. These 6,000 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES are not that entirely DIFFERENT!!
          Many languages are SIMILAR in some aspects, for example, In Latin languages, if we know one these Latin languages which are Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, and Catalan, we can sense the rest of Latin languages easier. LIKENESS can be sensed in any form of languages infrastructure even non-relative ones such as grammar, pronunciation, or writing. 

          I'm a native Thai but I can sense English, Portuguese and Korean by using LIKENESS in senses of grammar, pronunciation, writing and reading. They are totally different languages, but I can sense them by using those senses

          A word 'DIFFERENCE' is negative and obstacle for some people who are wondering about languages that they want to sense. We must destroy the Sense of DIFFERENCE in order to sense the Sense of LIKENESS.  

         A simple question. Can you sense a LIKENESS between your language and your WONDERING languages?

My part-time job :

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