Saturday, August 31, 2013




           365 days in a year. 30 days in a month. 7 days in a week. 24 hours in a day. There are many activities that we do. We do something once in awhile. Some are once a week. Others are everyday. Repetition turns these activities become our habit unconsciously.

           Since the day that we were born, we did not know anything at all about language, or even our own spoken language. It took us years just to know something about language. By repeating these 4 skills, Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening every single day, those skills become our HABIT.      

           In order to create HABIT of our wondering language, it's EASY!! We just try to repeat Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening your wondering language every single day like we used to do with our own spoken language since we were born. By repeating those skills, without notice, those skills become our HABIT and finally that HABIT slowly without knowingly becomes our sense of our wondering language.

          A simple question, Do you know why you can master your spoken language??

My part-time job :



  1. Keep up your blog!

    By the while, would you please tell the difference between "awhile" and "a while"?

    1. Thank You very much BiGGy =]

      as you asked 'a while' means Time and it is a Noun, 'a' before 'while' indicates that you are using Noun. and awhile is 'for a time' and it is Adverb.

      credit :
