Saturday, August 31, 2013




           365 days in a year. 30 days in a month. 7 days in a week. 24 hours in a day. There are many activities that we do. We do something once in awhile. Some are once a week. Others are everyday. Repetition turns these activities become our habit unconsciously.

           Since the day that we were born, we did not know anything at all about language, or even our own spoken language. It took us years just to know something about language. By repeating these 4 skills, Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening every single day, those skills become our HABIT.      

           In order to create HABIT of our wondering language, it's EASY!! We just try to repeat Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening your wondering language every single day like we used to do with our own spoken language since we were born. By repeating those skills, without notice, those skills become our HABIT and finally that HABIT slowly without knowingly becomes our sense of our wondering language.

          A simple question, Do you know why you can master your spoken language??

My part-time job :


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sense of Likeness

Sense of Likeness
          There are 7 continents, 7.1 billion population, more than 190 countries with no less than 240 nationalities and over 6,000 spoken LANGUAGES. These 6,000 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES are not that entirely DIFFERENT!!
          Many languages are SIMILAR in some aspects, for example, In Latin languages, if we know one these Latin languages which are Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, and Catalan, we can sense the rest of Latin languages easier. LIKENESS can be sensed in any form of languages infrastructure even non-relative ones such as grammar, pronunciation, or writing. 

          I'm a native Thai but I can sense English, Portuguese and Korean by using LIKENESS in senses of grammar, pronunciation, writing and reading. They are totally different languages, but I can sense them by using those senses

          A word 'DIFFERENCE' is negative and obstacle for some people who are wondering about languages that they want to sense. We must destroy the Sense of DIFFERENCE in order to sense the Sense of LIKENESS.  

         A simple question. Can you sense a LIKENESS between your language and your WONDERING languages?

My part-time job :

Thursday, August 22, 2013



          We, people, use languages every single day. Either by hearing or speaking. Have you ever once wonder why we understand languages? Answers are mixed but mine is a yes. While I was hearing foreigners speak, I was wondering why I don’t understand this language but I understand my language. My doubts don’t stop there. I wonder why I understand these alphabets but not those alphabets.
          WONDER is my first step of studying and it inspires me to sense the languages I haven’t comprehended. Try to wonder what those languages mean, you will see how wonderful it is. Because once you have wondered languages, your sense of language will be originated!! If you want to speak English, then WONDER about English and be the sense of English. Or if you want to speak Spanish, then WONDER about Spanish and be the sense of Spanish. So let’s WONDER and be the sense of LANGUAGES!!
          A simple question,  Do you WONDER why you understand what you are reading?

My part-time job :

The Sense of Languages

Language Sense

          We are living among languages since the day we’ve born. We, people all around the world always sense languages everyday, with everything we do, and everywhere we go!! Why? Because they are EVERYTHING and EVERYWHERE!!! On the wall, in the street, in the garbage, everywhere and everything you can think of!! What about River, or Mountain. Can we sense any languages? The answer is, Yes we can!! How? Because once we think about River or Mountain, the word that self-defining as River or Mountain pop out right? The word is one of the language senses that we use to describe or combine to create communication.

           Humans have an amazing power to share and express their senses, feeling, emotion, and passion to all people around the world whom they want to communicate with!! By using beautiful and powerful tool called Language.

Now I have a simple question for you. Can you sense languages now?

My part-time job :